CSC Handbook-Data Visualization Information We would like to inform you about the current status of the CSC project: Handbook of Computational Statistics (Volume III), Data Visualization. We have received now over 20 extended abstracts and are moving towards the next phase. We are expecting shortly another set of contributions so that we will get close to the desired spectrum of articles for this handbook. Our aim is 900-1000 pages as we had for the CSA (Handbook of Computational Statistics (Volume I), Concepts and Methods). The most important information for you in this stage of the operation are: 1. Jan de Leeuw asked us to quit as editor for health reasons. 2. Antony Unwin joins the editorial group of the CSC. 3. The CSC will be printed with a download key on a separate sheet of the book. This key allows the readers of the book to download an HTML & pdf (nonprintable) version of the CSC. This way the vital color information for data visualization is available! 4. The first 100 pages pdf and the HTML versions will be available online on the e-book page. 5. There will be a CSC conference held in Berlin most likely end of August 2006 as a satellite to COMPSTAT 2006 Rome. This conference is part of the book project and we hope that all of you come to Berlin! We will be able to cover part of your travel & accommodation cost (per contribution). In order to do this we apply for a grant. We need to know for this project application whether you will come in order to fix the financial support details. PLEASE TELL US YOUR INTENTIONS TO COME WITHIN THIS WEEK!!! (Support can¡¦t be guaranteed without your words of intention) 6. The final typesetting will be done by LeTeX, GmbH, Leipzig. They will also provide the subject index. Please indicate in your final text the subjects that you would like to be indexed. Notation of the CSC must be almost uniform. Notation for transpose should beT (\top). Please take a look at the e-version of the book Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MVA) Please browse the web page at ( and click on the html item for the MVA ebook then click on Appendix A for Symbols and Notation on the left panel. 7. Please also refer to the examples in the MVA e-book for tabular style. 8. The deadline for the full version of your manuscript is 1st, October 2005. 9. Please browse the web page for the handbook at for further information. 10. Your contribution is very welcome however we need your specific attention on the following comments that are based on a review of your submitted extended abstract. Sincerely Yours, Chun-houh, Wolfgang, and Antony ========================